Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In Loving Memory of "Bon"

Today I found out VIA skype that my dog died last Monday, October 11,2011. I was so devastated and I cried when I heard the news. I have always dread the day that she will be gone. I have often worried how she is getting old and now she is gone for good. She was the ideal pet anyone can have. She was loving, sweet and knows how to cheer me up. I have always loved her over our other pets. She is so special because she was always there. Some people might find it weird that I talk to animals but it really feels good to tell someone or something (with life) about things going on with your life. I had Bon since I was in 3rd year highschool. I think she is 8 years old in human age. I remembered when she was just a pup we brought her in our room and fitted a diaper for her by cutting a hole for her small tail. It was so cute. She slept soundly throughout the night and did not make a mess. I also remembered how she does not like getting wet. She hates water I guess. Giving her a bath is always a hard time. She is also scared of fireworks. She eats her food in a very demure way. No mess and she cleans up well.

Everytime I go home she welcomes me and looks very alert and excited. She wags her tail and keeps on brushing through my legs. Then she stares at me with her piercing eyes as if telling me to pet her before going inside the house. I have always loved her expressive eyes. It pains me that she died while I am in a foreign land. I hate her for not waiting for me. Though she is a mongrel (not pure breed) she will always have a special place in my heart. She was beautiful. She was the best pet ever.

I Love You Bon! Thank you for watching over our house and my family. Thank you for sacrificing your life for my grandmother (We believe that she died because of a Filipino belief of "palit buhay" wherein her life will be taken instead of a person). We believed that because she just started peeing and pooping blood for no apparent reason at the same time my bedridden grandmother was having diarrhea. It's as if she knew what she has to do. Give up her life for her masters who will always be grateful to her. I will never forget you Cheeky Bon Bon!  I will never forget all our good memories. I hope you are in a better place now - Dog Heaven.. : ))))

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My First Time Travelling Alone

There is always a first time for everything. This first time experience that I would be sharing is my first time to travel ABROAD alone. It is something I am very proud of. An independent move I must say. Since I was young I have always had a fear of being alone. I also have abandonment issues and it is quite hard for me to do stuff alone especially something as big as going to another country (who hardly speaks English). It was really scary. The thought of being alone in the airport and in the plane kills me.

Luckily, I have put my being a Tourism Graduate into good use. I have so many classmates working for different airlines and they were more than willing to help me/assist me in the airport. They especially met me, waited with me and guided me all throughout the airport procedures. I was so fortunate and happy at the same time.

My airport connections allowed me to have more bags than usual. Haha. I was able to check in one huge suitcase, a backpack full of more clothes and hand carry a laptop bag and a medium sized personal bag with more clothes. All my stuff would have caused an ordinary passenger to pay for excess baggage but thanks to my friends it was all for free for me. Talk about abuse. ^_^

It was just sad when I have to say goodbye to them but all good things must come to an end. So after waving to them at the boarding gate I was alone again. I was so nervous during my entire 4 hour flight that I wasn't able to take pictures of anything. I was not able to document my Asiana Airlines Flight (sad face). When I got to the Incheon Airport, I just manned up and walked as if I know the place very well. The Korean woman I was seated next to from the flight even offered me a ride or a phone call but I was very confident that someone from the school will be waiting for me. So I promptly declined her offer and lined up in Immigration and waited for my luggage. After a few minutes, I got out and 'Lo and Behold' a signboard (it was more of a bond paper) with the name GRADUATE SCHOOL of the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of KOREA. After reading that I felt safe. I did it. I conquered my fear.

The Day I said 'GOODBYE' to my home

So many things has happened to me over the past few months. But, the major life changing event that happened, is me moving to South Korea to study. I left my graduate school in the Philippines because I got accepted for a Masters Scholarship in a university in Korea. Me leaving to study abroad is I guess the biggest decision by far I have made in my life. It is a new chapter in my life that I must embrace.

Living in a foreign country is something I can handle but what pains me the most is leaving my family. It is the hardest part for me because I have always been used to people I love and care about beside me whenever I need anything. What made things worse is leaving my grandparents who are quite old. I hated the feeling. I hated leaving them behind without knowing if i'll be seeing them again alive when I get back. It was unbearable. But, no matter how hard it was I must go on.

This is a big step for me. I dreaded the day that I will be leaving which was August 26, 2011. When the day finally arrived, I thought I will not cry but the thought of leaving everything behind did not help. I was in tears as I said goodbye to everyone one by one. Before the car left, I looked back and stared at my house for some time. I caught a last quick glance and never looked back. It was easier that way.

Monday, August 1, 2011

CHS goes to Bataan

For our day tour in Bataan, our small group of 12 students and our professor went to Mt. Samat which holds the Dambana ng Kagitingan and later on went to the Las Casas Acuzar.

In Mt. Samat we went up the cross for the overlooking view of Bataan. It was breathtaking and breezy. It was really cloudy and a little rainy. It was lovely and fun to be up real high. Then when we got down from the cross we went to the museum and by the time we were done the fog has really become worse and there was zero visibility. Good thing we were able to go down before fog totally covered everything.

Afterwards, we went to our MAJOR destination which is the LAS CASAS ACUZAR in Bagac, Bataan. Since ours is a cultural trip, all we talked about is heritage and history. It was really raining hard so we were provided with matching yellow raincoats.

The place was huge and really nice. The Las Casas Acuzar are composed of old houses that were transferred and preserved from different parts of the country. It was really impressive how the moving was done because everything has to be teared apart piece by piece and rebuilt again in another location. According to our professor, the moving process destroys a few pieces so the houses cannot be considered as pure and authentic. Despite this, the houses were really preserved and the effort in the restoration process can really be seen. Millions of money is used in restoring each house.

The old houses can also be rented for tourist accommodations and some can be used as function rooms. One house is being developed as a first class hotel.

As Cultural Heritage Students, it is part of our jobs to know how the restoration process works and be part of it one way or another. I would have really enjoyed if there was no pouring rain which soaked our shoes and made it extra harder to move around the area and take pictures. We also have to remove our shoes every time we enter the houses so that we don't get the wood wet (a little hard for us wearing rubber shoes).

 The entire tour took us more than 2 hours. I really admire how our professor knew so much of every detail of every house. It was very satisfying to know such facts. This place is really perfect for people who are interested in culture and heritage.

In general, I am really happy I joined this trip. I had a super fun time with my new found friends of all ages and from different backgrounds. We had a really great road trip with no dull moments. I also learned and experienced a lot of stuff. It was also refreshing to be in the province with cool fresh air and far from the noise and air pollution of Manila. My only regret is not taking a lot of pictures to document the trip. Due to the heavy rain I couldn't just put out my camera and take photos. I even forgot to take pictures of the glass house we stayed in. That could have been a great souvenir and reminder of what we experienced there. I think educational trips can be as fun as leisure trips as long as you are with good company. I am really looking forward to more trips in the future. : )

Glass Houses

Last July 30 my Cultural Heritage Class went to Bataan for an overnight and day tour in Bataan. We left around 5 in the afternoon and arrived in my professor's resthouse around 8PM. Dinner was served when we arrived. So when it was time for room assignments, all 6 of the girls were assigned to the so called "glass house". I was curious at first why it was called that way and I said to myself maybe it's just made of glass, no biggie. But, OMG I was wrong. It was literally beside the raging river due to heavy rains. It was one huge room with 4 beds and 2 cushions on the floor. It has air conditioning and it is quite cozy, then I got to the bathroom. The bathroom (I don't know if you can consider it a bath ROOM since it's part of the room in general) was at the far end. It has no doors just an entrance from the room and the "glass part" of the house was there. Let me put it this way, when you take a bath the whole of the Bataan mountains and the river can see you bathing naked. It was a one of a kind experience indeed. The worst part is you could only use the toilet for peeing purposes because it is an open space (it was part of the room - no doors) and if you do more than peeing the room must be evacuated. No number 2's in that room for any of us girls. Come Sunday morning, it was really a challenge on how I could take a bath. I think I took a bath less than 5 minutes but I guess it was a one of a kind experience. In general, I think the Glass House was fine except for the fact that there are chances that  people can see you NAKED.

Glass houses are meant to awaken the exhibitionist in you and give satisfaction to the perverts! : X

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Birthday Depression

In a few minutes, I will be turning 20. I just want to savor every last minute of being a teenager and what better way to preserve the memory by blogging how I feel a few minutes before I officially become an adult.

As far as I can remember or in my 19 years of existence, I have always been sad on the 24th of July. Apparently, bad things happen during that time or day. I have never really enjoyed my birthday and oftentimes I would end up crying on that particular day. I do not know why but it feels like the world has turned against me by making me feel worse during that specific day. There are times that I dread my birthday but we all know that it is inevitable. Maybe it is the fact that I am ageing and getting older. More responsibilities are needed to be taken care of. Others think that it is unusual that I am sad during my birthday but I myself find it weird too.

So now, I am quite scared about what will happen tomorrow or later. I am actually expecting the worse so that it is easier for me to accept the string of events. Though there are times that I expect something great will happen but at the end of the day eventually nothing extraordinary have occurred during my birthday. It is like a normal day has passed and I have had better days in my life.

Now that it grows nearer I am having mixed emotions. NOTE TO SELF: Do not EXPECT! Maybe someday  something or someone would break the yearly occurrence of my birthday depression. But tomorrow I wear a fake smile on my face and pretend that nothing is wrong when in fact everything feels wrong. : X